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The Living Years

 Douglas A. Cox

Have I called to tell him?

Have I made it known?

Without his love and guidance

I could not have grown.

My first haircut, terrified!

My very first romance,

Life's first heartbreak, whispered comfort,

"Life is just a dance."

A smile replaced, a tear wiped dry

A rugged hand to hold.

A patient ear to hear my heart,

A thousand stories told.

And when one day his life is over,

Looking through my tear's

Will he know how much I loved Him

In the living years?

A blessed Father's Day!







Lights across a Field

Douglas A. Cox

The tractor rolls into the gathering night,

The furrows lie straight and true.

Folks in the city are heading home

The farmers got one row to do.

Through the farmhouse window his lady appears,

Her hands are covered with flour.

The apple pie that awaits his return

Will sweeten their late supper hour.

On the rich, brown earth of his fatherís land

He swings the John Deere around.

And the beacon light from the window,

Shines out on the fresh plowed ground.

Homeward bound at the end of the day,

With pride in the job weíve done.

As twinkling lights across a field

Replace the setting sun.

"Each of us, in our labors, secures the well being of all of those

With whom we share this world."

A blessed Labor Day Weekend











Secret Soldiers

Douglas A. Cox

He walks slowly down the street

His shoulders bend beneath the heat.

He bounces grand kids on his knee

Faces he can barely see.

She works in the grocery store

A clerk you know but nothing more.

A homeless man, a president

Angels passing, heaven sent.

We look but we don't realize

The story held behind those eyes.

The sweet innocence of youth

Torn away in war's hard truth.

You pass them by and never know

That once, so very long ago

They stood to shield you from the pain

On frozen ground, in jungle rain.

Now when strangers come our way

May we recall, this special day,

And be all that we can be

Not just to look but really see.

"With profound respect for all of the veterans of all of the wars."

Veteran's Day









Douglas A. Cox

The silver bird flies overhead

Framed by turquoise skies.

He looks up and wonders

Mist fills up his eyes.

Some folks up there are headin' home

And some are goin' away,

They're headed off across the sky

To find a special day.

A cowboy knows a secret,

About this sweet life's rhythm,

Thanksgiving won't be somewhere else

Unless he brings it with him.

"May you carry Thanksgiving in your heart every moment of your life and bring it with you wherever your pony takes you."













The List

Douglas A. Cox

"And what would I ask

 Of that Jolly Old Elf,

If I gave up wanting

And gave of myself?"

1. A sleigh full of food for a hungry world.

2. A home full of warmth for a boy and a girl.

3. A mind full of gentleness, empty of fear.

4. A touch of kindness for those we hold dear.

 5. The sense of joy that comes from giving.

 6. A childís sense of wonder that makes life

 worth living.

"And the greatest gift

 That we have to give?

 A heart full of love

 For as long as we live."

              With love and best wishes for a joyous holiday!








The Promise

Douglas A. Cox


I will bring you sunshine

Where yesterday was rain,

And try to bring a smile for you

Whenever life brings pain.

And I will bring you rainbows

The Lord will gladly lend.

These I promise last,

But first,

I swear to be your friend!

Happy Valentines D





Eagleís Flight


Douglas A. Cox

In the dawns early glow, morningís first light

He lifts from his nest and begins his life flight.

Riding the updrafts of warm rising air,

He circles and climbs up the windy stair.

The clouds are his castles of silver and white,

The sun is his beacon of freedom so bright.


Bound by a thousand earthly things

We look up in wonder and wish we had wings.

Our thoughts have the power to hold us bound,

Or lift us up above the ground.

So dream, have faith, and seize the day

Celebrate freedom and fly away.

"In celebration of our American Independence, may we love, and laugh, and find our wings."

Happy 4th of July







One Grain of Sand


Douglas A. Cox


Though you may think your work is simple,

Modest at the best,

There is no task thatís lesser,

Or greater than the rest.

The labor of your hands at work,

The profit of your mind,

The passion of your heart to serve

Moves mountains you shall find.

Though you may lift one grain of sand

In all your lifeís endeavor,

Because of you our world will be

Transformed and changed forever.


In celebration of those whose work and service drive the success and the economy of our Nation.

Labor Day






Mid Summer Magic


Douglas A. Cox


A warm wind dances through the trees

The skies are pale blue hazy,

The summer morning rubs its eyes

And wakens slow and lazy.

The curtains flutter gently

In the faint and sultry breeze

The picnic basket, open soon,

Beneath the blessed trees.

Potato salad, grilled hot dogs

And fresh squeezed lemonade.

Every park becomes small town

With ice cream just home made. 

The summer dark is velvet soft

And jasmine fills the night

Tiny stars rise from the grass

And call us with their light.

"Come dance with us for you are free

Not where, not how, not when,

But now, drink from the fountain

And be a child again."

To the child that lives within us all!





Harvest Moon


Douglas A. Cox




Webmaster's Note:  
Doug can be reached at:

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